Monday, September 9, 2013

My Classroom and Units I Love

Wow! What a wild couple of weeks it has been! I definitely didn't know what I was getting into when I signed up to move to Kindergarten, but I absolutely love it! I am have a blast getting to know my little Chimpanzees and there is never a dull moment in our classroom.

I just wanted to share with you my favorite units that I bought from TPT this year so far. Thanks to all these Teacher-Authors for making my year run a little bit more smoothly!

Hope King's Wild Things Classroom Decor unit has truly helped turn my classroom into a Kindergarten Wonderland! When people walk into my room I have noticed that the adorable decor is the first thing they comment on. I love it all so much and it makes my classroom feel like home for me and the kids! Oh and of course all the wonderful resources that came with it such as the word wall letters, number line, and classroom management chart! Here's a few pictures of how my classroom turned out this year!

Deanna Jump's All Set You Bet unit is amazing! I don't know what I would have done without it! I use her little song and chant booklet all day long every day to get the students attention, settle them down, or even to give them directions. If you don't have it yet, it is a must! I am planning to start using Whooo's a Smartie?? (questions for when you have a little time to spare)  and Brain Breaks (activities to give our hard working brains a break) more this week!

I just discovered DeeDee Wills' Make It Neat: Handwriting Instruction Fluency this week and I can't wait to start using it with my students. I have noticed that my kiddos have some funny ways of writing their letters and I am hoping that this unit will help solve that problem and help to make handwriting fun to practice!

Okay, now that I am settled into the school year, my goal is to post once a week until I get the hang of it! Maybe Five for Friday linky party to start...? We'll see! Have a great week teaching and remember you are wonderful at what you do!
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